Senin, 09 Juli 2018

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The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health ( ICF ) is a classification of the health components of function and disability.

The ICF received approval from all member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) 191 on May 22, 2001, during the 54th World Health Assembly. The agreement follows nine years of international revision efforts coordinated by WHO. The WHO's preliminary classification for disease effects, the International Classification of Damage, Disability, and Disability (ICIDH), was created in 1980.

The ICF Classification complements the WHO International Classification of Revision-10 Illness (ICD), which contains information on diagnosis and health conditions, but not on functional status. ICD and ICF are the core classifications in the WHO Family of the International Classification (WHO-FIC).

Video International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health


ICF is organized around the following broad components:

  • Body functions and structure
  • Activities (related to tasks and actions by individuals) and participation (involvement in life situations)
  • Additional information about severity and environmental factors

Functions and disabilities are seen as complex interactions between individual health conditions and environmental contextual factors as well as personal factors. The image generated by this combination of factors and dimensions is "people in their world". Classification treats these dimensions as interactive and dynamic rather than linear or static. This allows the assessment of the degree of disability, though not a measurement instrument. This applies to everyone, regardless of their health condition. The ICF language is neutral for aetiology, placing emphasis on function rather than condition or disease. It is also carefully designed to be relevant across cultures as well as age and gender groups, making it particularly suitable for heterogeneous populations.

Maps International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health


There are benefits to using ICF for patients and health professionals. The main advantage for patients is the integration of physical, mental, and social aspects of their health condition. All aspects of one's life (development, participation and environment) incorporated into the ICF not only focus on its diagnosis. Diagnosis reveals little about a person's functional abilities. Diagnosis is important to determine the cause and prognosis, but identifying functional limitations is often the information used to plan and implement interventions. Once the rehabilitation team is aware of the day-to-day activities, the client is asked to participate, the sequence of problem resolution set by the ICF can be utilized. An occupational therapist, for example, will observe the patient performing his or her daily activities and pay attention to the patient's functional abilities. This information will then be used to determine the extent to which individual abilities can be improved through therapy and the extent to which the environment can be altered to facilitate individual performance. Interventions at one level (current capability) have the potential to prevent or modify events at the next level (participation). For example, teaching blind children will foster effective interaction and increase one's participation with the family.

Rehabilitation therapists will be empowered with ICF not only in their daily work with their patients, but also when working with other medical disciplines; hospitals and other health care administration; health authorities and policymakers. All items are operationally defined with a clear description that can be applied to real life evaluation with clarity and ease. The language used in the ICF helps facilitate better communication among this group of people.

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Clinical relevance

Knowing how illness affects one's function allows for better service planning, treatment, and rehabilitation for people with long-term disabilities or chronic conditions. ICF currently creates a more integrative understanding of health that shapes a comprehensive profile of an individual rather than focusing on a person's illness, disease, or disability. Implications of the use of the ICF include an emphasis on individual strengths, helping individuals to participate more widely in society by using interventions aimed at improving their capabilities, and taking into account the environmental and personal factors that may hamper their participation. Qualifications: ICF qualifications "may best be interpreted clinically as a level of functionality seen in standard settings or clinics and in everyday environments". Qualification supports standardization and understanding functioning in multidisciplinary assessments. They allow all team members to measure the level of the problem, even in a functioning area where a person is not a specialist. Without a qualifying code has no inherent meaning. Reduction, restriction or restriction, eligible from 0 (No problem 0-4%), 1 (Mild problem: 5-24%), 2 (Moderate problem: 25-49%), 3 (Severe problem: 50- 95 %) to 4 (Fixed issue: 96-100%). Environmental factors are quantified with negative and positive scales indicating the extent to which the environment acts as a barrier or facilitator. For insurance purposes, qualifications may explain the effectiveness of treatment. One can interpret the decline in the qualification score into the improvement of a patient's functional ability.

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Set core

ICF Core Set can serve as a frame of reference and a handy tool for classifying and describing patient functions in a more time efficient manner. ICF Core Sets can be used throughout the course of care and during health conditions. The ICF classification includes over 1,400 categories that limit its use in clinical practice. It's time for a doctor to take advantage of the ICF's primary volume with his patients. Only a few of the required categories. As a general rule, 20% of the code will account for 80% of the variance observed in practice. ICF Core Sets contain as little as possible, but because many categories of ICF are required, to illustrate the level of patient function. It is hypothesized that using ICF Core Set will improve the reliability of the assessors when coding a clinical case because only the relevant category for a particular patient will be used. Because all relevant categories are listed in the ICF Core Set, their use in multidisciplinary assessments protects healthcare professionals from losing important aspects of function.

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Pediatric use

Because doctors and researchers use ICF, they become more aware of their limitations. The ICF lacks the ability to classify the functional characteristics of a developing child. Different ICF codes are required throughout the first years of a child's life to capture the growth and development of disability even when the child's diagnosis does not change. The coding system can provide important information about the severity of health conditions in terms of their impact on function. This can serve an important role for care providers for children with spectrum disorders such as autism or cerebral palsy. Children with this condition may have the same diagnoses, but their ability and level of function varies greatly between and within individuals over time. The first draft of the International Function, Disability and Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY) was completed in 2003 and published in 2007. ICF-CY was developed to be structurally consistent with ICF for people adult. The main difference between ICF-CY and ICF is that the generic qualifications of ICF adults now include developmental aspects for children and adolescents in ICF-CY. The code description in ICF-CY is revised and expanded and new content is added to code that was not previously used. Code is added to document characteristics as adaptability, responsiveness, predictability, persistence, and ability to be approached. The "Sensing" and "exploration" codes expanded as well as the "importance of learning". Because a child's main job is playing, it's also important to include more code in this area. Different game levels have separate codes in ICF-CY (solitary, audience, parallel). This contrasts with the adult ICF because there is only one code in terms of recreation or recreation.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
