Minggu, 15 Juli 2018

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Cardiff Kook - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Magic Carpet Ride is the official name of a 6ft (1.8m) bronze conjurer of a surfer by Matthew Antichevich, an Encinitas, California, teacher and surfer artist. The statue is mounted on a 6 foot-tall granite base with a poem inscription by Robert Nanninga, and is in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, Encinitas, California, USA. Locals dub the Magic Carpet Ride as The Cardiff Kook, a degrading name popularized by the local surfing community. The statue was commissioned by the Cardiff Botanical Society at a cost of about $ 120,000. Installed in 2007, it stands on the side of Coast Highway 101, next to the San Elijo State Beach campground. The $ 92,000 construction cost was raised by the Botany Society, with an $ 30,000 installation funded by the city of Encinitas. The sculpture base also includes a list of the names of the major donors of the project. Magic Carpet Ride / Cardiff Kook is registered and archived by Public Art at Public Places Project.

The statue is intended to describe a surfer who did a "back buoy", but the Botanical Society's budget can not cover the cost of additional water/wave components. Antichevich was chosen from over 50 bidders on commission. The original design was for female surfers on breaking waves, which also exceeded the budget, and the Botany Society chose male surfer images on granite boulders that halved the amount of bronze required. Other proposed designs discussed with the Botany Society include the figure of professional surfers Rob Machado and surfer on the longboard. According to Antichevich and Michael Ames Clark (chairman of the Botanical Society's selection committee), the statue symbolizes the excitement and awkwardness of a boy learning to surf, in recognition of the attraction of the area to novice surfers.

Video Cardiff Kook

Respons publik

The San Diego Architectural Foundation, in its annual "Orchids & amp; & amp; Onions" award for best and worst architecture of the year, awarded the Magic Carpet Ride an Onions ranking in 2007. The Cardiff Kook from a derogatory surfers to the "wannabe" surfers, and reflects the low opinion that local surfers have statues. The statue was criticized by surfers for its unrealistic portrayal of surfers. Another criticism states that the foot is positioned wrong, the hands are strange in appearance, the figure is too thin and feminine, and that overall it resembles a beginner surfer's figure will fall off the board (as the artist intended) instead of a more experienced surfer.

The early criticism surprised both the Botany Society and the artist Matthew Antichevich, who stated that he did not expect the piece to be as widely misunderstood as at the time of its opening. The original models for sculpture include wave components, and Antichevich states that if a wave has been entered, the figure's surfing attitude will be better understood. Antichevich also noted that it was impossible, while creating the statue, to see his hand from the required angle, as he "did not work 16 feet in the air". At the installation of the statue, Vice Mayor Jerome Stocks defended the piece and responded to the criticism with "Well, you went up your own 90,000 dollars and pairs of statues you like.". After initial criticism, the statue has evolved into a cute landmark that often attracts "costumed" efforts. The popularity of "The Cardiff Kook" has led to a list of features of Google Maps, themed community events, and popular websites TheCardiffKook.info and TheCardiffKook.org. Notable among the local events is "The Cardiff Kook Costume 5K & 10K Run."

Maps Cardiff Kook

Changes to Kook

The statue began to attract people who like to party in various clothes, costumes, even with additional background, which sometimes approached vandalism. The list of such pranks is extensive, often coordinated with recent events: pink pleated skirts, bikini tops and lucha libre wrestling; Zorro costumes; pumpkin head (during Halloween); Santa Claus hats (at Christmas); Uncle Sam's costume for United States Independence Day; a captive cap on a photograph of a box from Abu Ghraib prison; clown costumes; loincloth and surrounded by prehistoric arrangements when taken by pterodactyl sculptures in flight; and, most notably, a papier statue mÃÆ' Â ¢ chÃÆ' Â © a shark that will swallow the surfer from below.

Eric Hardtke exhibit

The shark costume is one of two additional prank for sculptures performed by local artist Eric Hardtke, himself a sculptor who works in bronze and stone, and accomplices. The first is the addition of 2009 in addition to the wave statue that falls over Kook , carrying a wire line from another surfer that will knock Kook from the board. This wave is still there, because it was removed undamaged by city employees, and kept on Paul Ecke's farm, a local farmer of poinsettia. It's made of wood, paper, and chicken wire, and Hardtke states that "That's to make the point that you can make a better statue with less money.".

The second change to Kook by Hardtke is a shark. The 15-foot work is made of papier mÃÆ' Â ¢ chÃÆ' Â © over wooden frames, and is estimated by Hardtke to have consumed $ 450 and two weeks. It was built in two parts, which were then sealed together around Kook using a sealant foam printed to resemble a sea spray that descended from the sides of the shark. It was installed in the morning, around 4:00, 2010-07-24 by Hardtke and about two dozen friends, and had been predicted over the previous few days with the advent of similar shark-built fins, positioned across the street from the statue and gradually moving over close to Kook for a few days, to imply a shark drawing under the water near to Kook . $ 400 in the time a transferred employee is used to clean sharks. In contrast to the waves, the sharks were damaged when disposed of by four city workers, who took 10 minutes to share them using a whipsaw in the morning of 2010-07-26 and two hours overall to remove them.

Hardtke himself is not critical of Kook, and considers it a fair representation of the average surfers, saying that "I'm sure I look that way.That's why everyone is so low, they like to think they do not look like that, but they do it. ".

City's official reactions

While the pranks were officially blocked by the mayor of Encinitas Dan Dalager and city authorities, it was unofficially recognized that repeated repeating statues or vandalism were a boost to Cardiff's tourist trade. Antichevich regards vandalism as an affront to his work. No legal action was taken against the intruder, as no damage was done to the statue itself. It does not cost the city extra to clean up the damage, but it diverts the time from tasks that can be done by city employees. Mayor Dalager has stated that, while he personally likes the attention he gives to the statue, he does not want the city to divert city time and money from the real problems of the city. Deputy city manager Richard Phillips agrees, comparing Kook vandalism with school jokes wearing school mascots, stating that "it gets old" and city time and money could be better spent on repairing the hollow road than cleaning. up pranks.

What is the Cardiff Kook? Here is the Story | YNC
src: yournorthcounty.com

See also

  • Google Arts & amp; Culture - Magic Carpet Ride/The Cardiff Kook
  • Headington Shark
  • GÃÆ'¤vle Goat

Cardiff Kook Gets Tangled Up - NBC 7 San Diego
src: media.nbcsandiego.com


Cardiff Kook - Carlsbad Food Tours
src: www.carlsbadfoodtours.com

External links

  • "Magic Carpet Ride" or "The Cardiff Kook" - Public Art in Public Places Project
  • The Cardiff Kook - Gallery

Source of the article : Wikipedia
