In folklore, ghost (sometimes known as sightings , ghost , ghost , poltergeist , shadow , ghost or ghost , spirit , ghost , and wraith ) is the soul or spirit of the dead or the animal that can appear to live. In ghostlores, the ghost descriptions vary greatly from invisible presence to translucent or barely visible translucent shapes to realistic, living vision. The deliberate attempt to contact the spirits of the dead is known as necromancy, or in spiritism as sÃÆ' Â © ance .
Belief in the existence of the hereafter, as well as the manifestation of the spirits of the dead, extends, dating back to animism or ancestor worship in pre-literate cultures. Certain religious practices - funerals, exorcisms, and some practices of spiritualism and ritual magic - are specifically designed to rest the spirits of the dead. Ghosts are generally described as singular essences, like humans, although stories of ghost army and animal ghosts than humans have also been told. They are believed to haunt a particular location, object, or person associated with them in life.
The incredible consensus of science is that ghosts do not exist. Their existence is impossible to forge, and ghost hunting has been classified as pseudoscience. Despite centuries of investigation, there is no scientific evidence that each location is inhabited by the spirits of the dead.
Video Ghost
The English word
In addition to showing the soul or soul of man, both living and dead, the Old English word is used as a synonym of the Latin spiritus also in the sense of "breath" or "explosion" from the beginning of endorsement (9th century ). It can also show good or evil spirits, such as angels and demons; The Anglo-Saxon Gospel refers to the possession of the devil from Matthew 12:43 as se unclÃÆ'Â|na gast . Also from the Old English period, the word could indicate the spirit of God, that is. "The Holy Spirit".
The meaning of "the soul of the deceased now, which is spoken of as seen in visible form" appears only in Central English (14th century). Modern nouns, however, maintain a wider field of application, spanning on one side for "soul", "spirit", "essential principle", "mind", or "soul", a place of feeling, thought, and moral judgment; on the other hand is used figuratively of the shadow line, or fuzzy or unreal images; in the field of optics, photography, and cinematography in particular, flare, secondary image, or false signal.
The synonym
Wraith is the word Scots for
A revenant is a dead man who returns from the dead to haunt the living, either as a bodyless ghost or as an animated body ("undead"). Also related is the concept of taking, the ghost or spirit visible from someone who is still alive.
Maps Ghost
Anthropological context
The idea of ​​transcendent, supernatural, or numinous, usually involving entities such as ghosts, demons, or gods, is a universal culture. In the pre-literate folk religion, this belief is often summarized under animism and ancestor worship. Some people believe that ghosts or spirits never leave the Earth until there is nothing left to remember the deceased.
In many cultures, the uneasy ghosts are distinguished from the more docile spirits involved in ancestor worship.
The ancestral worship usually involves ceremonies intended to prevent revenants, the spirits of the dead, imagined as hunger and envy the living. Strategies to prevent revenants may include sacrifices, ie, providing dead food and drinks to calm them down, or the magical expulsion of the deceased to force them not to return. The dead eating ritual is performed in traditions such as the Chinese Ghost Festival or Western All Souls Day. The magical expulsion of the dead is present in many world funeral customs. Bodies found in many tumuli (kurgan) have been ritually bound before the funeral, and dead binding habits persist, for example, in rural Anatolia.
19th century anthropologist James Frazer states in his classic, The Golden Bough, that souls are seen as inward creatures that move the body.
Ghosts and afterlife
Although the human soul is sometimes symbolically or literally portrayed in ancient cultures as birds or other animals, it seems to have been widely held that the soul is the proper body reproduction in every feature, even down to the clothes that the person wore. It is depicted in works of art from various ancient cultures, including works such as the Book of Egypt The Book of the Dead , which shows those who have died in the Hereafter appear more like before death, including dress styles.
Fear of ghosts
While the deceased ancestors are universally regarded as noble, and are often believed to have a continuing presence in some form of the afterlife, the deceased's spirit that survives in the material world (ghost) is considered an unnatural or undesirable state and the idea of ​​ghosts or revenants associated with a fear reaction. This is universally a case in pre-modern folk culture, but the fear of ghosts also remains an integral aspect of modern ghost stories, Gothic horrors, and other horror fiction associated with the supernatural.
General attributes
Another widespread belief about ghosts is that they are made up of misty, windy, or subtle materials. The anthropologists associate this idea with the initial belief that the ghost is the person in that person (the person's spirit), most noticed in ancient cultures as a person's breath, which when exhaling in a colder climate is evident as a white mist. This belief may also cultivate the meaning of the metaphor of "breath" in certain languages, such as the Latin spiritus and the Greek pneuma , which by analogy becomes extended to mean the soul. In the Bible, God is portrayed as Adam's synthesis, as the living soul, from the dust of the Earth and the breath of God.
In many traditional stories, ghosts are often considered dead people seeking revenge (ghost revenge), or imprisoned on earth for the bad things they do during life. The appearance of ghosts is often regarded as a harbinger or a sign of death. Seeing a double shadow or "fetching" someone himself is a sign of death.
White women are reported to appear in many rural areas, and should have died tragically or traumatized in life. The legend of the White Lady is found all over the world. What is common to many of them is the theme of losing a child or husband and a sense of purity, as opposed to the Lady in Red ghost that is largely attributed to a dumped lover or prostitute. The White Lady ghost is often associated with individual family lines or is considered a harbinger of death similar to banshee.
The legend of a ghost ship has existed since the 18th century; most important of these are the Flying Dutchman . This theme has been used in literature at The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge.
The idea of ​​a ghost can be regarded as a tradition for a particular culture. Many believe in the spirit world and often try to keep in touch with their loved ones.
A place where ghosts are reportedly described as ghosts, and are often seen as inhabited by deceased spirits who may have been former residents or who are familiar with the property. Supernatural activities in homes are said to be mainly related to the past or past tragic events of buildings such as murder, accidental death, or suicide - sometimes in the past or ancient. But not all shelters are in violent death places, or even for violent reasons. Many cultures and religions believe that the essence of a creature, like 'soul', continues to exist. Some religious views argue that the 'spirits' of those who have died do not 'pass' and are trapped inside the property where their memory and energy are strong.
Near Eastern Ancient and Egypt
There are many references to ghosts in the Mesopotamian religion - the Sumerian religion, Babylon, Assyria, and other early states in Mesopotamia. This trace of faith survived in later Abrahamic religions that came to dominate the region. Ghosts are thought to have been created at the moment of death, retrieving the memories and personalities of the dead. They travel to the Hereafter, where they are given positions, and lead a similar existence in some respects to life. Relatives of the dead are expected to make offerings of food and drink to the dead to lighten their condition. Otherwise, ghosts can cause misfortune and disease to the living. Traditional healing practices are thought to come from various diseases against ghostly action, while others are caused by gods or demons.
There is widespread belief in ghosts in ancient Egyptian culture. The Hebrew Bible contains little reference to ghosts, associating spiritism with illicit occult activities, cf. Deuteronomy 18:11. The most important reference is in the First Book of Samuel (1 Samuel 28: 3-19 KJV), where a disguised King Saul has a Witch of Endor calling on Samuel's spirit or ghost.
The soul and spirit are believed to exist after death, with the ability to help or harm the living, and the possibility of second death. Over a period of more than 2,500 years, Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife continue to evolve. Many of these beliefs are recorded in hieroglyphic inscriptions, papyrus scrolls and grave paintings. The Egyptian Book of the Dead compiles several beliefs from different periods of ancient Egyptian history. In modern times, the strange concept of a mummy who is alive and revenge when disturbed has given birth to various genres of horror and movie stories.
Ancient Classic
Ancient and Classical Greek
Ghosts appear in the Homer Odyssey and Iliad , where they are described as disappearing "as steam, rustling and whining to earth". Homer's ghosts have little interaction with the world of living. Periodically they are called to give advice or prophecy, but they do not seem to be too dreaded. Ghosts in the classical world often appear in the form of steam or smoke, but at other times they are described as substantial, appearing as at death, complete with the wound that killed them.
In the 5th century BC, classical Greek ghosts had become a scary and terrifying creature that could function either good or evil. The spirit of the dead is believed to be near the resting place of the corpse, and the grave is a place that the inhabitants avoid. The dead should be ritually mourning through public ceremonies, sacrifices, and offerings, or they will again haunt their families. The ancient Greeks held an annual party to honor and appease the spirits of the dead, in which the family ghosts were invited, and after which they were "unequivocally invited to leave until the same time next year."
The 5th century BC game Oresteia includes the ghostly appearance of Clytemnestra, one of the first ghosts to appear in works of fiction.
The Roman Empire and the Final Antiquity
Ancient Romans believed ghosts could be used to take revenge on enemies by scratching curses on a piece of lead or pottery and placing it into a grave.
Plutarch, in the 1st century, described the ghost of the bathhouse at Chaeronea by the ghost of a murdered man. The loud and frightening ghost screams caused the people in the town to seal the doors of the building. Another famous record about the haunted house of the ancient classic world is given by Pliny the Younger (about 50 AD). Pliny describes a haunting house in Athens, purchased by the philosopher Stoic Athenodorus, who lived about 100 years before Pliny. Knowing that the house was supposedly haunted, Athenodorus deliberately set up his desk in the room where the apparition was said to appear and sat there writing late into the night when he was harassed by a chain-bound ghost. He followed the ghost outside the place indicating a spot on the ground. When Athenodorus dug the area, the shackled skeleton was dug. The ghost stopped when the skeleton was given a proper burial. The authors of Plautus and Lucian also wrote the story of the haunted house.
In the New Testament, according to Luke 24: 37-39 [1], after his resurrection, Jesus was forced to convince the Disciples that he was not a ghost (some versions of the Bible, such as the KJV and NKJV, use the term "spirit"). Similarly, the followers of Jesus at first believed that he was a ghost (spirit) when they saw him walking on water.
One of the first people to express ghost disbelief was Lucian of Samosata in the 2nd century. In his satirical novel The Lover of Lies (circa 150 CE), he recounts how Democritus "the learned man of Abdera at Thrace" lived in a tomb outside the city gates to prove that the grave was not haunted by spirits. the spirit that goes. Lucian tells how he survives in his disbelief despite practical jokes made by "some young men of Abdera" who wear black robes with a skull mask to frighten him. This account by Lucian records something about the popular classical expectations of how ghosts should look.
In the fifth century, Christian priest Constantius of Lyon noted examples of recurrent themes of the unmarried dead who are coming back to haunt life, and who can only stop haunting when their bones have been found and re-buried properly.
Ghosts reported in medieval Europe tend to fall into two categories: the soul of the dead, or the devil. The soul of the dead returns for a particular purpose. Demonic ghosts exist only to torture or tempt the living. The living can distinguish them by demanding their purpose in the name of Jesus Christ. The soul of the dead will reveal its mission, while the demon ghost will be cast on the sound of the Holy Names.
Most ghosts are souls assigned to the Purgatory Fire, condemned for a certain period of time to redeem their violations in life. Their redemptions are generally linked to their sin. For example, the ghost of a rude man to his servants is condemned to tear and swallow his own pieces; another man's ghost, who has neglected to leave his cloak for the poor, is cursed to wear a cloak, now "heavily as a church tower". These ghosts appear to live for prayer to end their misery. Another dead soul returns to urge the living to confess their sins before their own death.
The ghosts of medieval Europe were more important than the ghosts portrayed in the Victorian era, and there were ghost stories that were wrestling with and physically in control until a priest could arrive to hear his confession. Some are less solid, and can move through walls. Often they are portrayed as a more pale and pathetic version of the people they have while still alive, and wear gray tattered clothing. Most of the reported sightings are male.
There have been cases of reported ghost soldiers, who fought at night in the woods, or in the Iron Age hills, such as in Wandlebury, near Cambridge, England. Living knights are sometimes challenged for a single battle by ghost knights, who disappear when defeated.
From the medieval period, ghost sightings were recorded from 1211, at the time of the Albigensian Crusade. Gervase of Tilbury, Marshal Arles, writes that the picture of Guilhem, a boy recently murdered in the forest, appeared at his cousin's home in Beaucaire, near Avignon. This series of "visits" takes place throughout the summer. Through his cousin, who spoke for him, the boy allegedly held talks with anyone who wanted to, until the local priest asked to speak directly to the boy, who caused deliberate theology. The boy recounted the trauma of death and unhappiness of his fellow practitioners in Purgatory, and reported that God was most pleased with the ongoing Crusade against the Cathar heresies, which were launched three years earlier. The time of the Albigensian Crusade in southern France was marked by intense and prolonged warfare, this constant bloodbath and population dislocation became the context for the visit reported by the slain boy.
The haunted house is shown in the 9th century Arabian Nights (such as Ali the Cairene and Haunted House in Baghdad).
European Renaissance for Romanticism
Renaissance magic takes back interest in the occult, including necromancy. In the era of Reform and Counter Reform, there has often been a counterattack of poor interest in dark art, marked by writers such as Thomas Erastus. Swiss Reformed Reverend Ludwig Lavater provides one of the most reprinted books of the period with the Ghost and Spirit Walking With the Night.
The Ballad Son "Sweet William's Ghost" (1868) tells the ghost story that goes back to her fiance and begs her to free her from her promise to marry her. She can not marry her because she is dead but her rejection will mean her curse. This reflects the popular belief of the British people that the dead haunt their lover if they take on new love without an official release. "The Unquiet Grave" reveals a belief that is even more widespread, found in various locations in Europe: ghosts can derive from excessive sadness of the living, mourning disrupting dead peace breaks. In many folklore from around the world, the heroes organize the funeral of the dead. Soon after, he found a friend who helped him and, in the end, the hero's colleague revealed that he was actually a dead man. Examples of this include the fairy tales of Italian "Fair Brow" and "The Bird 'Grip" Sweden.
Modern period of western culture
Spiritual Movement
Spiritualism is a belief system of monotheism or religion, postulates belief in God, but with features that distinguish the belief that the spirits of the dead who live in the spirit world can be contacted by the "media", which can then provide information about the afterlife.
Spiritualism flourished in the United States and achieved its peak growth in membership from the 1840s through the 1920s, especially in English-speaking countries. In 1897, it was said to have more than eight million followers in the United States and Europe, mostly drawn from the middle and upper classes, while the corresponding movements in Europe and Latin America were known as Spiritism.
Religion evolved for half a century without canonical texts or formal organizations, achieving magazine cohesion, tours by trans lecturers, camp meetings, and missionary activities of successful mediums. Many prominent Spiritualists are women. Most followers support causes such as the abolition of slavery and women's suffrage. In the late 1880s, the credibility of the informal movement weakened, as allegations of fraud among the media, and formal spiritualist organizations began to emerge. Spiritualism is currently practiced primarily through various denominational Spiritualist Churches in the United States and Britain.
Spiritualism, or French spiritualism, is based on five books of Spiritual Codification written by French educator Hypolite LÃÆ'  © on Denizard Rivail under the pseudonym of Allan Kardec who reported sà © j-ances in which he observed a series of phenomena that he attached to incorporeal intelligence (spirits). His assumption of spirit communication was validated by many contemporaries, among whom many scientists and philosophers attended sà © bà © es and studied the phenomenon. His work was later extended by writers such as Leon Denis, Arthur Conan Doyle, Camille Flammarion, Ernesto Bozzano, Chico Xavier, Divaldo Pereira Franco, Waldo Vieira, Johannes Greber, and others.
Spiritism has followers in many countries around the world, including Spain, the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Argentina, Portugal, and especially Brazil, which has the largest proportion and largest number of followers.
Scientific view
Doctor John Ferriar wrote "An Essay Toward Appearance Theory" in 1813 in which he argued that phantom sightings are the result of optical illusions. Then French physician Alexandre Jacques FranÃÆ'§ois BriÃÆ'¨re de Boismont published On Hallucinations: Or, the Rational History of Appearances, Dreams, Ecstasy, Magnetism, and Somnambulism in 1845 in which he claimed the apparition of ghosts was the result of hallucinations.
David Turner, a retired physical chemist, suggests that lightning can cause irregularly moving objects to die.
Joe Nickell of the Skeptics Inquiry Committee wrote that there is no credible scientific evidence that each location is inhabited by the spirits of the dead. The limitations of human perception and ordinary physical explanations can explain the appearance of ghosts; for example, changing air pressure at home that causes the doors to buckle, humidity changes cause the board to creak, condensation in electrical connections causes intermittent behavior, or light from passing cars that are reflected through the windows at night. Pareidolia, the innate tendency to recognize patterns in random perceptions, is what some skeptics believe in causing people to believe they have 'seen a ghost'. The ghost reports "visible from the corner of the eye" may be taken into account by the sensitivity of human peripheral vision. According to Nickell, peripheral vision can be easily misleading, especially late at night when the brain is tired and more likely to misinterpret the sights and sounds. Nickell further states, "science can not prove the existence of a 'life energy' that can survive die without losing or functioning entirely devoid of brains... why... survival clothing? '" He asks, if ghosts slide, then why people claim to hear it with "heavy steps"? Nickell says that ghosts act in the same way as "dreams, memories, and delusions, because they are also mental creations.That is proof - not from another world, but from nature and nature."
Benjamin Radford from the Skeptics Inquiry Committee and author of 2017 Investigating Ghosts: The Scientific Search for Spirits wrote that "ghost hunting is the most popular paranormal pursuit in the world", to date ghost hunters can not agree whether it is a ghost, or offering evidence that they exist "is all speculation and conjecture". He writes that it would be "useful and important to distinguish between the type of spirit and appearance." Until then only the living room games were disturbing the amateur ghost hunters from the task at hand.
According to research in the psychological vision of anomalistic ghosts may arise from hypnagogic hallucinations ("awakened dreams" experienced in the transition state to and from sleep). In a study of two experiments to ghost allegations (Wiseman et al . 2003) came to the conclusion "that people consistently report unusual experiences in 'haunted' areas due to environmental factors, which may be different in all locations. "Some of these factors include" the variance of the local magnetic field, the size of the location and the stimulation of the level of illumination that the witness may be unconsciously conscious ".
Some researchers, such as Michael Persinger of Laurentian University, Canada, have speculated that changes in the geomagnetic field (made, for example, by tectonic pressures in Earth's crust or solar activity) can stimulate the temporal lobes of the brain and produce many ghost-related experiences. Sound is considered another cause of sighting that should be. Richard Lord and Richard Wiseman concluded that infrasound can cause humans to experience odd feelings in a room, such as anxiety, extreme sadness, feeling of being watched, or even cold. Carbon monoxide poisoning, which can cause changes in visual and auditory system perceptions, has been speculated as a possible explanation for haunted houses in early 1921.
People who experience sleeping paralysis often report seeing ghosts during their experience. Neuroscientists Baland Jalal and V.S. Ramachandran recently proposed neurological theories of why people hallucinate ghosts during sleep paralysis. Their theory emphasizes the role of parietal lobes and mirror neurons in triggering ghost hallucinations.
By religion
The Hebrew Torah and the Bible contain several references to ghosts, linking spiritism with illicit occult activities. The most important reference is in the First Book of Samuel, where the disguised King Saul has the Witch of Endor summoning the spirit or the ghost of Samuel. In the New Testament, Jesus had to persuade the Disciples that he was not a ghost after the resurrection, Luke 24: 37-39 (some Bible versions, like the KJV and NKJV, use the term "spirit"). Likewise, the followers of Jesus at first believed that he was a ghost (spirit) when they saw him walking on water.
Some Christian denominations regard ghosts as beings attached to the earth, no longer living in material planes and lingering in the middle state before continuing their journey to heaven. Sometimes, God will allow souls in this country to return to earth to warn those who live for the necessity of repentance. Christians are taught that it is sinful to try to conjure or control the spirits according to Deuteronomy XVIII: 9-12.
Some ghosts are actually said to be demon in disguise, which the Church taught, according to I Timothy 4: 1, that they "came to deceive men and pull them away from God and enter into slavery." As a result, attempts to contact the dead can cause unwanted contact with unscathed demons or spirits, as is the case in the case of Robbie Mannheim, a 14-year-old Maryland boy. The Seventh-day Adventist view is that the "soul" is not equivalent to "spirit" or "ghost" (depending on the version of the Bible), and that except the Holy Spirit, all spirits or ghosts are demons in disguise. Furthermore, they teach that according to (Genesis 2: 7, Ecclesiastes 12: 7), there are only two components to the "soul", no survivors of death, with each returning to their respective sources.
Christadelphians and the Jehovah's Witnesses reject the views of the living and conscious souls after death.
The Talmud tells about the so-called shade ?? which is similar to other living and dead creatures but consists only of form but does not have the material that makes up the mass, thus making it invisible. Because it has no physical mass, it is capable of transporting itself from one end of the world to the other.
While the Islamic view is that the spirits of the dead can not return or make contact with the living world, the reports of ghost apparitions are believed to be the work of the jinn, especially the shay? t? (the two terms that appear in the Qur'an) that have the power to form-shift and usually take the form and appearance of the dead (like family members) to deceive and mislead. But a certain kind of jin, known as ifrit, is believed to be the result of the restless soul of a person who died violently.
In Buddhism, there are a number of existential planes in which one can be born again, one of which is a hungry ghost realm.
With culture
Folklore Africa
For the Igbo people, a man is simultaneously a physical and spiritual entity. However, it is the dimension of his eternal spirit. In Akan's conception, we witness five parts of the human personality. We have Nipadua (body), Okra (soul), Sunsum (spirit), Ntoro (the character of the father), Mogya (the character of the mother). Humans from Sudan consume drinks Umm Nyolokh, made from the heart and marrow of the giraffe. Umm Nyolokh often contains DMT and other psychoactive substances from plants that are eaten by giraffes such as Acacia, and are known to cause giraffe hallucinations, believed to be giraffes' ghosts by Humr.
European folklore
The belief in ghosts in European folklore is characterized by the recurrent fear of a deceased "back" or "revenant" that could harm a living person. These include Scandinavian gjenganger , Romanian strigoi , Serbian vampire , Greek vrykolakas , etc. In Scandinavia and Finnish traditions, ghosts appear in physical form, and their supernatural nature is given by behavior rather than appearance. In fact, in many stories, they were first thought of as living. They may be mute, appear and disappear suddenly, or leave no footprints or other traces.
The English folklore is well known for its many haunted locations.
Belief in the soul and the afterlife remained close to universal until the emergence of atheism in the 18th century. In the 19th century, spiritism evoked "trust in ghosts" as the object of systematic inquiry, and popular opinion in Western culture remained divided.
South and Southeast Asia
Northern India
Title bhoot or bhut ( ??? , ??? , or ???? ) is a supernatural being, usually a ghost of a person who has died, in popular culture, literature and some ancient texts from the Indian subcontinent. The interpretation of how bhoot emerges by different regions and communities, but they are usually considered disturbed and anxious because of several factors that prevent them from moving (to transmigration, nothing, nirvana, or heaven or hell, depending on tradition). This could be a cruel death, unresolved things in their lives, or just the failure of their survivors to do the proper funeral.
Bengal and East India
East and Central Asia
There are many references to ghosts in Chinese culture. Even Confucius said, "Respect the ghosts and gods, but keep them away."
The ghosts take many forms, depending on how the person dies, and is often dangerous. Many Chinese ghostly beliefs have been accepted by neighboring cultures, especially Japan and Southeast Asia. Ghost beliefs are closely related to traditional Chinese religion based on ancestor worship, which is widely embraced in Taoism. Beliefs are then influenced by Buddhism, and in turn influence and create unique Chinese Buddhist beliefs.
Many Chinese today believe that it is possible to contact their ancestral spirits through an intermediary, and that the ancestors can help offspring if well respected and appreciated. The annual ghost festival is celebrated by Chinese people around the world. On this day, ghosts and spirits, including those of deceased ancestors, come out from the underworld. Ghosts are depicted in classical Chinese texts as well as modern literature and films.
A recent article in the China Post states that nearly eighty-seven percent of Chinese office workers believe in ghosts, and about fifty-two percent of workers will wear hand art, necklaces, crosses, or even put crystal balls on their desks to keep the ghost at bay, according to the poll.
Y? rei is a figure in Japanese folklore, analogous to Western legends about ghosts. Its name consists of two kanji ,? ( y? ), which means "faint" or "dim," and? ( rei ), meaning "soul" or "spirit". Alternate names include ?? (B? Rei) means spirit that is destroyed or abandoned, ?? (Shiry?) Which means dead spirits, or more importantly ?? (Y? Kai) or ??? (Obake).
Like their Chinese and Western counterparts, they are considered the guarded spirits of a peaceful afterlife.
There is a wide and varied belief in ghosts in Mexican culture. The modern state of Mexico before the Spanish conquest was inhabited by diverse societies such as the Mayas and Aztecs, and their beliefs persisted and thrived, combined with the beliefs of the Spanish colonists. The Day of the Dead incorporates pre-Columbian beliefs with Christian elements. Mexican literature and films include many ghost stories that interact with living things.
United States
According to the Gallup Poll News Service, trust in ghost houses, ghosts, communication with the dead, and magicians experienced a sharp increase during the 1990s. A 2005 Gallup poll found that about 32 percent of Americans believe in ghosts.
Images in art
Ghosts stand out in popular culture from different countries. Ghost stories are everywhere in all cultures from oral folk tales to literary works. While ghost stories are often explicitly meant to be frightening, they have been written to serve all sorts of purposes, from comedy to morality. Ghosts often appear in narration as a keeper or prophet of things to come. Trust in ghosts is found in all cultures around the world, and thus ghost stories can be inherited orally or in written form.
The spirits of the dead appear in literature as early as Homer Odyssey, which features a journey into the underworld and the hero of the ghost of the dead, and the Old Testament, where the Witch of Endor calls the spirit of the prophet Samuel.
Renaissance to Romanticism (1500 to 1840)
One of the better known ghosts in English literature is the shadow of Hamlet's father who was killed in Shakespeare's The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark . At Hamlet , it is a ghost who demands Prince Hamlet to investigate his "most cruel killings" and seek revenge on his isolated uncle, King Claudius.
In the British Renaissance theater, ghosts are often depicted in live clothing and even in armor, like the ghost of Hamlet's father. Armor, which was outdated in the Renaissance, gave the stage ghosts of ancient flavor. But the tarpaulin ghost began to get ground on stage in the 19th century because the ghost-armored ghost could not satisfactorily show the necessary spiciness: it jingled and creaked, and had to be moved by an elaborate pulley system or elevator. This clanking ghost is raised about the stage being the object of ridicule as they become a cliche stage element. Ann Jones and Peter Stallybrass, in Renaissance and Memory Materials, pointed out, "The fact is, when the laughter threatens the Ghost that he begins to be staged not by armor but in some form of 'curtain of spirit'."
Victorian/Edwardian (1840 to 1920)
The classic ghost story emerged during the Victorian period, and included writers such as M. R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Violet Hunt, and Henry James. The classic ghost story is influenced by the gothic fiction tradition, and contains elements of folklore and psychology. MR James summarizes the essential elements of a ghost story like, "Hatred and terror, the spotlight of evil faces, 'the grinning stones of evil evil', pursuing forms in darkness, and 'long, furthest cry' on the spot, and so did a little blood, shed with deliberation and caution... ". One of the keys to the initial appearance by ghosts was Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto in 1764, regarded as the first gothic novel.
The famous literary invention of this period was the ghosts of A Christmas Carol, where Ebenezer Scrooge was helped to see his faulty ways by the ghosts of his former colleague Jacob Marley, and the ghosts of Christmas, the Christmas Prize, and Christmas Not Coming.
The modern era (1920 to 1970)
Professional parapologists and "ghost hunters", such as Harry Price, who were active in the 1920s and 1930s, and Peter Underwood, active in the 1940s and 1950s, published stories of their experiences with ghost stories that really real like Price's Most Haunted House in England, and Underwood's Ghosts of Borley both of which relate to Borley Rectory. Writer Frank Edwards investigates ghost stories in his books, such as "Foreigners of Science."
Ghost stories of children's virtues became popular, such as Casper the Friendly Ghost, made in the 1930s and appeared in comics, animated cartoons, and finally feature films 1995.
With the advent of film and television, ghost screen depictions became common, and spanned various genres; the works of Shakespeare, Dickens and Wilde have all been made into cinematic versions. The novel-long story is hard to adapt to the cinema, though The Haunting of Hill House became The Haunting in 1963 is an exception.
The sentimental depiction during this period is more popular in theaters than the horror, and includes the 1947 movie The Ghost and Mrs. Muir , which was later adapted to television with the successful 1968-70 TV series. The original psychological horror films of this period included 1944's The Uninvited , and 1945's Dead of Night .
Post-modern (1970-present)
The 1970s saw the depiction of a ghost screen deviate to a different genre of romance and horror. The common theme in the romantic genre of this period is the ghost as a benign guide or messenger, often with unfinished business, such as the 1989 Field of Dreams, 1990 film Ghost , and the 1993 comedy Heart and Souls . In the horror genre, 1980s The Fog, and the film series A Nightmare on Elm Street from the 1980s and 1990s is a very important example of the trend of merging stories ghost. with scenes of physical violence.
Popularized in films like the 1984 Ghostbusters comedy, ghost hunting became a hobby for many people who formed a ghost hunter community to explore the haunted spots that were reported. Ghost hunting themes have been featured in reality television series, such as Ghost Adventure , Ghost Hunter , Ghost Hunter International , Ghost Lab >, Most Haunted , and A Haunting . It is also represented on children's television by programs such as The Ghost Hunter and Ghost Trackers . The ghost hunt also spawned many guidebooks to haunted locations, and hunts manual ghost "how to do".
The 1990s saw the return of classic gothic ghosts, whose dangers were more psychological than physical. Examples of films from this period include 1999 The Sixth Sense and The Others .
Asian cinema also produces horror movies about ghosts, such as the Japanese film 1998 Ringu (remade in the US as The Ring in 2002), and the 2002 film Pang brothers The Eye . Indian ghost movies are popular not only in India but in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and other parts of the world. Some Indian ghost films like the Chandramukhi/comedy/horror film have been commercially successful, dubbed in several languages.
In fictitious television programs, ghosts have been explored in series like Supernatural , Ghost Whisperer , and Medium .
In the animated fiction television program, ghosts have functioned as a central element in series such as Casper the Friendly Ghost, Danny Phantom and Scooby-Doo. Various other television shows have described ghosts as well.
Figurative use
Nietzche argues that people generally wear a wise mask in the company; but that the alternative strategy for social interaction is to present oneself as nothingness, as a social ghost - "One reaches for us but does not hold us" - sentiments echoed (if in a less positive way) by Carl Jung.
Nick Harkaway has considered that everyone brings a number of ghosts in their heads in the form of an impression of a past acquaintance - a ghost that represents the mental map of others in the world and serves as a philosophical reference point.
The object relations theory sees the human personality formed by separating the aspects of the person he deems incompatible; where the person may be haunted later on by other ghosts of himself.
See also
- Finucane, R. C., Appearance of the Dead: History of Ghost Culture , Prometheus Books, 1984, ISBN 0879752386.
- Hervey, Sheila, Canadian Ghosts , in series, Canadian Original Pocketbook [s], Richmond Hill, Ont.: Pocketbook, 1973, SBN 671- 78629-6
- Hole, Christina, Haunted England , Batsford: London, 1950.
Further reading
External links
- Media related to Ghosts on Wikimedia Commons
- The "Ghost Theory" of 18th-century German theologian Johan Ernst Schubert and the list of vernacular spirits and ghosts
- Historical Ghost Stories
- Ghosts from all over the world