Senin, 16 Juli 2018

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How Gotham Nominee James Ward Byrkit Made 'Coherence' in 5 Days ...

Coherent is an American fiction science fiction film directed by James Ward Byrkit in his directing debut. The film debuted on September 19, 2013 at the Austin Fantastic Fest and starred Emily Baldoni as a woman who has to deal with strange events after seeing a comet.

Video Coherence (film)


The film involved eight people at a dinner party. During their dinner, there is a comet passing through them. This causes their homes and occupants to be intertwined with many homes and residents like that from other realities. There is a dark zone between realities. When people pass through the dark zone, they abandon their reality and enter another reality randomly. The only person whose films continue to follow is Emily (called Emily Prime hereafter).

Power outages occur initially, and this marks the commencement of an interconnected reality. In the distance, outside, they saw a house with lights on. They did not know it was the same house from another reality. At first, two people went out of the house to go make phone calls from "other houses" and cross over to other realities. Their doubles come from other realities. No one is aware of this switch. When the story unfolds, they begin to realize that the other house is actually another version of them. But the group initially assumed that there were only two houses of two realities. Then they realize that there are many realities and that, once comets pass, every reality will be permanently trapped with whoever lives in them.

As time passes, various groups of people leave home and cross the dark zone. This results in everyone getting mixed up in various realities. Due to past events between the people in the group, there were various fights that broke out. Emily Prime was frustrated and went alone. He wanders from one reality to another. Each reality has been involved in their own fights. In every reality, people get confused from different realities, and there is chaos. Finally, he stumbles upon a reality in which no one fights. In this fact, they have never had a powercut - an event that preceded the onset of Prime Reality. This group is intact and therefore has a normal night.

Emily Prime wants to replace Emily from this reality. Emily Prime sneaks into her double and treats her. First, he throws it into the trunk, but the twins awaken and sleepily creeps back into the house, forcing Emily Prime to attack her again in the bathroom and put her unconscious body in the tub. Emily Prime then headed to the living room and fainted. He wakes up the next morning on the couch and does not see him double anywhere. Emily Prime leaves the house and meets Kevin outside. Her phone rang, and she looked at her cell phone and declared that the call was from Emily. After answering the call, he gave a suspicious look toward Emily Prime, and he looked back guiltily. The film ends with Emily Prime who is now permanently trapped in this reality, with Emily trying to kill her and Kevin who may now know (or will learn soon) about her actions.

Maps Coherence (film)


  • Emily Baldoni as Emily
  • Maury Sterling as Kevin
  • Nicholas Brendon as Mike
  • Lorene Scafaria as Lee
  • Hugo Armstrong as Hugh
  • Elizabeth Gracen as Beth
  • Alex Losses as Amir
  • Lauren Maher as Laurie

Coherence | Film Review | Slant Magazine



Byrkit came up with the idea for Coherence after deciding that he wanted to test the idea of ​​shooting a movie "without a crew and without a script". He chose to shoot at his own home and develop the science fiction aspect of the film because of necessity, as he wanted to "make the living room feel bigger than just the living room". While Byrkit has a specific idea of ​​how the film will unfold, he chooses the actors improvisation and gives them the basic baselines of character, motivation, and point of their plot.

Byrkit told an interviewer, "For about a year, all I did was make a chart and a map and draw a house diagram, arrow pointing to where everyone was going, trying to track different iterations.moon and month tracking cracked reality, looking for what which actually scientists believe about the nature of reality - the SchrÃÆ'¶dinger cat and all that.It is research, but apart from all the charts and charts, I think our whole idea is that it should be character-based.We want the logic of our internal rules to be healthy, and we want it to be something that people can watch 12 times and still find a new layer. "


Byrkit deliberately chose actors who do not know each other. He told an interviewer that, after working on a blockbuster movie (such as Pirates of the Caribbean: Black Pearl Curse), "I came from a theater where I was trained to really just concentrate on stories and characters on stage with actors and so I want to get rid of everything, get rid of the crew, get rid of scripts, no special effects, no support, no money, no nothing, and just get back to that purity, from camera in hand You and some actresses (actors?) You trust and ideas. "

Byrkit menambahkan,

"... Instead of having a script, every actor is given a daily note page with a back story or some sort of motivation for the night, but they will not know what the other actor receives so it's a very natural, spontaneous motivational collision that eventually becomes what you see in the movie, is obviously guided by a very strict outline we've been working on for about a year that tracks all the clues and puzzles and all the exercises and stuff like that.But the actors are unaware of that thing - it happened because we guided them through it. "

When asked if the actors were the ones that Byrkit knew quite well, he replied, "Yeah exactly. They're just friends I know I can just call and say, 'Appears in my house in a few days I can not really, really tell you what we're doing, believe me I will not kill you.That's gonna be fun! 'And they do not know each other before they get to my house and so I have to pick people who seem like they can be a couple, the best friend and all I just knew was the job of jumping into it. "

Interviewer Nell Minow acknowledges his reaction to the relationship of the actors: "I just assume that they all know each other very well because they fall into the kind of rhythm that old friends have." Byrkit replied, "It only catapulted the great men who could do that, just five minutes after they arrived at my house, they had to pretend to be married and their lover and best friend."

Reviewer Matt Prigge praised their casting options and actions: "Byrkit... does not focus on brainiacs, as in Primary , but on the clever but mostly uninformed NPR types, who know enough to slowly trim all this together but not enough that they do not usually come down to babbling, yelling and drinking Indeed, Coherence is largely improvised, with the game first believed below reacting to some bizarre business with laughter and do not believe, then always maintain the level of frivolity (read: jokes and occasionally degraded) even when things become real. "


Ryan Lattanzio writes, "Byrkit brings eight unconscious actors to his home in Santa Monica, throws them some red herrings and frees them for five days knowing that the film can evolve organically, like a great jazz, if he keeps his players in darkness, but he and the story writer with Alex Manugian are not just making it up when they come along. "Byrkit tells him that his wish is" to lower the movie set to a minimum: get rid of the script, get rid of the crew. "

Byrkit adds, "... instead of scripts, I have a 12-page treatment that I spend about a year working This outlines all the bends, and reveals, and bows of characters and pieces of the puzzle that need to happen but every day, instead of getting scripts, the actors will get a page of notes for their individual characters, whether it's backstory or information about their motivation.They will be ready for their character only, do not know what the other characters receive, so every night there is a real, , and surprises and responses.This is all in the pursuit of naturalistic performances.The goal is that they listen to each other, and engage in the mystery of all. '

Actor Brendon discusses the style of improvisation of dialogue with CraveOnline journalist Fred Topel, who asks: "I understand the way Coherence is done is that everyone gets notecards about their characters and their scenes.What's on your note card?"

Brendon replied, "I do not remember now, but every day we have five different things we have to say... but I know that Jim [Byrkit], and then Alex [Loss], another writer, must make sure that we are all on point So it's just a matter of getting that information out... Since there's no script, I do not know how it ends... When I see the movie, I'm like, 'Oh shit, this is amazing!'... To be honest, I never really knew what happened until I saw the movie finish. "


The main photography lasted for five nights at Byrkit's house.

An interviewer asked Byrkit, "Are you having an unexpected problem with the filming?"

Byrkit admits, "... you are constantly dealing with unexpected things.One night we tried to shoot outside and we had to make everything look really lonely and its power dead, that's one night we had another movie shooting our way, so the whole road is really bright with lights and hundreds of extra. "Another team shot Snickers ads. "We'll be right in the middle of a dramatic scene and there will be another knock on the door that will scare everyone..."


Inspiration and theme

Byrkit told the interviewer to Spinning Platters , "Well, we came up with a premise in my living room, where the movie was shot.A few years ago we tried to think about what a good low budget, or not there are budgets, movies will, and because we do not have any resources, I have to think what we really have We have cameras We have some pretty good actors, and we have a living room So we have to find out how making the living room feel more than just a living room.That, it leads to the whole Twilight Zone type...//I really want a more naturalistic type of dialogue, where people overlap and it is very messy, where people talk more like real humans talking, so we plan a year-long story, including bends and turns and reversals and betrayals so we have very rigorous puzzles - almost like a fun house that we know we can lead the actors through. "

Some reviewers have suggested that Byrkit is influenced by the excitement of The Twilight Zone and/or the complexity of the thoughts of the science fiction film Primary .

Byrkit replied to one interviewer: "Twilight Zone , definitely. Primary is not very influential as it is a sign to us that there may be audiences for this type of film.The movie itself is very different from the movie we are not as influential as, say, Carnage by Roman Polanski, or other non-sci-fi films. "

Coherence | And So It Begins...


Critical reception for Coherence has been predominantly positive and the film currently holds a 88% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 74 reviews.

Much of the film's praise centers on the cast, the Bloody Disgusting and the Fangoria called the spotlight. The School Rejects film gave Coherence positive reviews, stating that the cast of the movie "is based on how complicated and strange the story is."

Dread Central commented on the themes of the film and wrote, "What's scary about this story is how much the characters desire to abandon the reality they want, which may be a bit more interesting.Is that a byproduct of the comet and the crack it creates or is caused by character that degrading others around them to get the life they really want is the basic idea of ​​Coherence and what makes it so disturbing. "

Clark Collis of Entertainment Weekly praised the film, giving it a B rating: "In James Ward Byrkit's impressive big-screen debut, eight friends found metaphysics on their menu when a passing comet created a bunch of doppelgÃÆ'¤ngers on the road , enjoying their own identical soiree Byrkit makes most of the claustrophobic one's home arrangements, increasing fear and paranoia when his character makes a seemingly plausible but ultimately misdirected decision-making series that is also good, with Buffy the Vampire Slayer vet Nicholas Brendon mocks himself by playing the actor who's been on TV shows... Coherence is satisfying and additionally cooling subgenre pal-ocalypse is growing, and really, you have to like movies that do not only explains the concept of the Schrödinger cat but also includes a joke about it ("I'm allergic!").

Stephen Dalton of The Hollywood Reporter also enjoys the film: "A clever fictional micro-fiction neuroscientist who happens entirely at a suburban dinner party, Coherent is proof of strength smart ideas and powerful ensemble demonstrations of expensive visual fireworks... A group of eight friends gathered for dinner... Tension of marriage and sexual secrets hissed just below the surface, but the drama relationship was soon overshadowed by the metaphysical oddities as comets pass near the Earth , turning off power supplies and telephone connections... It is slowly becoming clear that the structure of reality has been radically overhauled by the comet's arrival.We certainly are not in Kansas anymore... Byrkit only gives limited information about the narrative circle and turns forward, semi-improvised naturalism that feels very tense. "

Matt Zoller Seitz, site editor of Roger Ebert, gave the film three stars and wrote that the movie "is proof that inventive filmmakers can do a lot with a little... [but] none of the technical or artistic films. When Coherence digs into its premise, viewers are sure to come down with a bad case of creep.This is a less scientific scientific fiction-story.. And really more of a horror movie than a movie of suspense or " terror "because, while there is some violence, the source of anxiety is philosophical."

Ryan Lattanzio from Indiewire praised the originality of the film: " Coherent is not just a clever science fiction: it is a cunning independent filmmaking victory, made with little resources and great ambition.Game James Ward Byrkit's nominated debut director stripped of his vision to the bottom bone to reach a freakout and metaphysical freakout about a cosmically lost dinner party.This movie explodes with ideas, and he has the thing we always expect in movies: the element of surprise. "

The reviewers for Salon are ambivalent: "Once the underlying problem of Coherent has become clear, or obviously-there is - another dinner party, in another house, that looks a lot like this - the film becomes a bit too much like the math puzzle revealed, though the clever one reaches a terrible conclusion.The note appears before it is written, the meaning of the numbered photographs being focused through a series of neat twists, and while the semi-conscious character their actions are being shaped by a space-time continuum whose causal relationships have gone awry, that's not enough to stop them. "


  • Next Wave Best Screenplay in Austin Fantastic Fest (2013, win)
  • Maria Award for Best Scenario at Sitges Film Festival (2013, win)
  • Carnet Jove Jury Award for Best Competition at the Sitges Film Festival (2013, win)
  • Black Tulip Award for Best Feature Debut at Imagine Film Festival (2014, win)
  • Imagine Movie Zone Award, Special Attention at Imagine Film Festival (2014, win)


See also

  • Many-mind-interpretation
  • Many world interpretations
  • Multiverse
  • "The Garden of Forking Paths", a 1941 short story by Argentine writer and poet Jorge Luis Borges.

Coherence': Film Review | Hollywood Reporter


Coherence | Cinetopia Film Festival

External links

  • Official website
  • Coherence on IMDb
  • Coherence in Box Office Mojo
  • Coherence in Metacritic
  • Coherence at Rotten Tomatoes
  • Coherence in AllMovie

Source of the article : Wikipedia
