The 2006 transatlantic plot plane is a terrorist plot to detonate liquid explosives, carried on aircraft traveling from the United Kingdom to the United States and Canada, posing as soft drinks. The plot was discovered by British police during extensive surveillance operations. As a result of the plot, unprecedented security measures were initially placed at the airport. The steps are gradually relaxed in the weeks ahead, but passengers are still not allowed to carry larger fluid containers from 100 ml to commercial aircraft in the UK and many other countries, by 2018.
Of the 24 suspects arrested in and around London on the night of August 9, 2006, eight people were initially tried for terrorism violations in connection with the plot. The first trial took place from April to September 2008. The jury failed to reach a verdict on charges of conspiracy to kill by blowing up the plane, but found three people guilty of conspiracy to kill and release one other from all charges. In September 2009, the second trial (of seven people initially accused but with the addition of another man) found three guilty people for a conspiracy to kill by blowing up a plane and another guilty of conspiracy for murder, while 'extra' man was cleared of all terrorist allegations.
In July 2010, three other defendants were found guilty at the third trial at the Woolwich Crown Court conspiracy for murder. So, of the nine people on trial, two were released and seven were found guilty of conspiracy charges.
Video 2006 Transatlantic aircraft plot
In Pakistan, an English gentleman from Birmingham named Rashid Rauf is believed to have plotted linked to al-Qaeda leadership. When Ahmed Ali, who was under police surveillance, returned from Pakistan in June 2006, investigators secretly opened the trunk. Inside they find powdered soft drinks - Tang - and a large number of batteries, which arouse suspicion; in the ensuing weeks police conducted the largest surveillance operation in the UK, requesting an additional 220 officers from other troops.
Assad Sarwar (from High Wycombe) was seen buying things that did not seem to fit his daily needs. On one occasion, the watch officer watched him dispose of empty hydrogen peroxide bottles at the recycling center. Sarwar and Ali were seen meeting in the east London park. When MI5 secretly enters a flat used by Ali, they discover what appears to be a bomb factory. They installed cameras and microphones and on August 3 Ali and Tanvir Husain filmed building the device from the drink bottle. The supervisor then watched Ali spend two hours in the internet cafe to research the flight schedule.
Maps 2006 Transatlantic aircraft plot
On August 9, 2006, British police arrested 24 people for questioning. The arrests were made in London, Birmingham, and High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, during an overnight operation. Two arrests were made in the Birmingham area and five were made at High Wycombe; firearms officers are not involved in arrest. The main suspects are British-born Muslims, some of Pakistani descent. Three of the suspects are new converts to Islam.
Eight of the suspects were later charged with conspiracy to murder and further terrorist acts by not disclosing information about acts of terrorism and one youth with ownership of articles relating to terrorist acts. Others are released free of charge.
Police said they had observed the path evolved for months, and that "the investigation reached a tipping point" on the night of August 9, 2006. when a decision was taken to take immediate action to disrupt what it believed was being planned. An undercover British agent has infiltrated the group, according to a CNN source. According to Franco Frattini, European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom & Security, "the conspirators received a very short message to 'Go now'", while British officials denied there was an explicit message. However, it is unclear when the planned attack has been launched, and the New York Times has since reported that the plan is at an earlier stage than previously stated.
British authorities conducted a total of 69 residential, business, vehicle and open space searches, which captured the possibility of bomb-making equipment and chemicals including hydrogen peroxide, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke said on Aug. 21, 2006. "As well as bomb-making equipment, we have found more than 400 computers, 200 mobile phones and 8,000 removable storage media items such as memory sticks, CDs and DVDs, "he said. "So far, from the computer alone, we have removed some 6,000 gigabytes of data." It takes "months" for investigators to analyze all the data, he says. Police said they found a list of flights on Pak Ali's memory stick after his arrest. Memory sticks include flight schedules of three carriers - American Airlines, United Airlines, and Air Canada.
Disagreements about when to arrest
NBC News reported a disagreement between the United States and the United Kingdom about when to make the arrests. According to NBC News, a senior British official believes that the attack will not happen soon, noting that the suspects have not bought a plane ticket and some do not even have a passport; he urged that investigations continue to gather more evidence.
The same source also told NBC News that the United States has threatened to use an extraordinary rendition of suspected rebel leader Rashid Rauf in Pakistan, or to pressure the Pakistani government to arrest him. A US official acknowledged disagreement over the timing of the arrest and that British officials believed that the attack would not happen soon. However, Frances Townsend, Assistant President for Homeland Security, denied a dispute report: "There is no dispute between US and British officials."
In Ron Suskind's The Way of the World (2008), Dick Cheney is reported to have "ordered" Rauf's arrest in Pakistan in August 2006, apparently with the intention of providing "good news" in front of the US mid-term elections 2006.
Planners plan to use peroxide-based liquid explosives, the Metropolitan Police said that the plot involves acetone peroxide (TATP), which is sensitive to heat, shock and friction, and can be started by fire or electric charge, and can also be used to produce detonators improvisation.
During the trial of the conspirators, the prosecutor stated that every bomber would board a plane with "necessary materials and equipment". They will then build the device in the middle of the flight and blow it up. Hydrogen peroxide will be placed in 500ml of Oasis soft drink bottle and Lucozade. A sugared powder drink, Tang, will be mixed with hydrogen peroxide to color it resembling a regular soft drink. Hydrogen peroxide is widely available for use as a hair whitener and along with other materials it can become explosive when mixed with certain strengths. The mixture will be injected into the bottle with a syringe. The bottle cap will not be removed and the hole will be resealed, allowing the device to resemble an unopened normal drink bottle when filtered by airport security. The use of liquid explosives with dissolved powder is similar to the composition used in the July 21, 2005 London bombings, using hydrogen peroxide and chapatti flour, which are activated by a detonator.
The second substance, a kind of high explosive, will be hidden inside the AA battery casing; This small explosive charge will detonate the main bomb. The charges will be blown up by connecting the explosive bottle to the bulb and the disposable camera. The charge from the camera flash unit will trigger an explosion.
On August 28, 2006, New York Times reported that seven martyrs tapes made by six suspects were found. This amount is not confirmed by the prosecutor during the next trial.
Targeted flight
Prosecutors at the trial said that the suspects had spoken about including 18 suicide bombers and that they had checked Denver, Boston, and Miami as possible flight destinations to target along with the following flights, details they attached to the USB stick.
All flights depart from London Heathrow Airport, London.
- United Airlines Flight 931 to San Francisco Airport, California departs at 14:15 with Boeing 777
- Air Canada Flight 849 to Pearson Airport, Toronto, Ontario, Canada departs at 15:00 with Airbus A330
- Air Canada 865 flight to Trudeau Airport, Montreal, Quebec, Canada departs at 15:15 with Airbus A330
- United Airlines Flight 959 to O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois departing at 15:40 on Boeing 777
- United Airlines Flight 925 to Dulles Airport, Washington, D.C. leaving at 16:20 on Boeing 777
- American Airlines Flight 131 to NY JFK Airport, New York City departs at 16:35 on Boeing 777
- American Airlines Flight 91 to O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois departs at 16:50 on Boeing 777
There has been speculation in Britain that al-Qaeda militant Islamist organizations could be behind the plot, which, it is claimed, is scheduled to take place just weeks after the group threatened to attack British flights. Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chertoff stated the plan, which is "approaching the stage of execution", "leads to al-Qaeda plot".
Alleged Pakistani involvement
Press reports claim that bombers funded by "charity" are meant to help victims of the 2005 Kashmir earthquake. The FBI and Scotland Yard investigate relations with militants and the flow of money to the conspirators. Pakistan and the international press also reported that Rashid Rauf has links with Jaish-e-Mohammed, a Kashmiri militant group banned by some countries. Media reports state that he has close family ties to Maulana Masood Azhar, one of India's most wanted criminals.
In Pakistan, law enforcement authorities interrogate Rashid Rauf, a Pakistani British citizen, on suspicion of a key role in the plot. Pakistani Interior Minister Aftab Khan Sherpao said British police were conducting an investigation in Pakistan but were not involved in Rauf's interrogation. The UK Foreign Office sought the extradition of Rauf from Pakistan, and it was reported that Pakistan planned to accept the request. However, in mid-December 2006, allegations of terrorism against Rauf were dropped by a Pakistani judge, who decided there was a lack of evidence. Rauf's case was transferred from a terrorism court to an ordinary court where he faced lower charges including forgery. The allegations were later canceled, and Rauf was reportedly killed in a US drone strike in Pakistan in November 2008.
Public announcement
On August 10, 2006, British Home Secretary John Reid broke the news, along with Douglas Alexander, Secretary of Transport. On the same day, Metropolitan Police Deputy Commissioner Paul Stephenson said that a plot, intended to destroy as many as ten aircraft in the middle of a flight from England to the United States, used explosives carried in the bag of suspects. , has been disturbed. The news media reported that the planned targets included American Airlines, British Airways, Continental Airlines and United Airlines flights from London Heathrow and London Gatwick airports to Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles; Miami; Orlando; Boston; Newark; New York City; San Francisco; Cleveland and Washington, D.C. Air Canada flights are also included, with the aim of being Montreal and Toronto. BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera says the plan involves a series of simultaneous attacks, targeting three planes each time. Reports vary with the number of aircraft involved, ranging from three to twelve. In a press release, US Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, said "some commercial aircraft" were targeted. Several reports said the attack was planned for Aug. 16, but police said no evidence of a specific date had been found. British officials then stated that the estimates of ten aircraft were "speculative and redundant."
In the United States, the announcement was made during a joint press conference by Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Transportation Security Administration Administrator Kip Hawley and FBI Director Robert Mueller. Chertoff refuses to be interested in questions about device design or whether there are actually bombs that have been built.
On the same day, President George W. Bush commented on his arrival in Wisconsin: "The latest arrest currently under study by our colleagues is a vivid reminder that this country is at war with an Islamic fascist who will use all means to destroy people. those of us who love freedom, to harm our nation. "
Prior to the arrest, the plot was discussed at the highest levels of government; Prime Minister Tony Blair has known for months, and has discussed it with President George W. Bush on a number of occasions.
- Prime Minister Tony Blair is on vacation during these events, but decides not to return to England. Blair had been informed of the attack before the incident, and was in constant contact with officials. He briefed President George W. Bush about the overnight raids.
- British Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott runs the British government during Tony Blair's holiday, paying homage to the way Britain reacts to what he calls "extraordinary for 36 hours... in an effort to protect the country". He expressed his "deepest appreciation" to the "real dedication" shown by security services, police, transportation staff and airlines and praised Interior Minister John Reid and Transport Minister Douglas Alexander. Prescott added that the British public has acted "calmly, sensitively, and patiently."
- On August 12, British Muslim groups sent an open letter to the Prime Minister, stating that "the current UK government policy risks placing civilians at increased risk both in Britain and abroad." The letter also states "Attacking civilians is never justified", and encourages Britain to reassess its foreign policy to safeguard individual safety both in Britain and abroad. In an interview with the BBC, John Reid described the letter as "a terrible misstep," and former Conservative leader Michael Howard described it as "a form of extortion".
Skepticism in response to capture
Some commentators have expressed skepticism over the allegations. Many mention the Forest Gate attack, the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes and the Iraq War, all based on intelligence that turned out to be wrong, as a reason for their hesitation.
The former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, is skeptical of the plot's story. He said that "None of the suspected terrorists have made bombs, no one buys plane tickets, many do not have passports". He also suggested that the leader of the suspected group, Rashid Rauf, had found a plot under torture in Pakistan.
The Register's technology website explores the practicality of producing TATP in aircraft from constituent liquids and concludes that, although theoretically possible, the chances of success will be very low. Then, after additional details were revealed at the hearing, The Register wrote that the selected plot and bombing methods were feasible.
Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Wylde, a former senior British Army Intelligence Officer, declared the plan a "fiction", an invention of British security services intended to justify new security measures that threaten to permanently limit civil liberties. He said the questionable explosives were unlikely to be produced on the plane.
Security reactions
Immediately after the first arrest, passengers are prohibited from carrying any liquid, other than infant milk, to flights between the United States and the United Kingdom. Because passengers can buy drinks after passing through airport security checkpoints at several American airports, a gate checkpoint is also introduced at the airport.
United Kingdom
After the raid, the British terror alert level was raised by the Combined Terrorist Analysis Center from 'Severe' to 'Critical', signaling an attack is believed to be imminent. On August 14, 2006 the threat level was reduced from 'Critical' to 'Severe'.
Immediately after the raid, no handbags are allowed except for important things like travel documents and wallets. Limited hand luggage is reintroduced in some smaller airports on August 14, but is not allowed at Heathrow and Gatwick Airport until August 15th. Some restrictions were relaxed in September 2006, and on November 6, 2006 the restrictions were relaxed to allow limited volume of fluid to be carried to the cabin.
United States
After the operation, the United States Homeland Security prohibits all liquids and gels except infant formula and prescription drugs in the name of the ticket holders in the luggage congenital on all flights. DHS levels in the United States are raised to 'Severe' (red) for all flights from the UK. The level of terror for all other international or non-English flights to the United States is raised to 'High' (orange).
From August 13, 2006, airline passengers in the United States can take up to 3.4Ã, US flecz (101Ã, ml) of non-prescription drugs, glucose gel for diabetics, solid lipstick, and baby food on the flight. TSA also began to demand passengers take off their shoes so they could be X-rayed before boarding. Eventually passengers were allowed to carry only 100 ml (3.3 ounces, fluid, fl oz, oz, 3.4Ã, Ã, US flÃ, oz) in their handbags, the TSA standard required all non-medical fluid to be stored in a plastic sized bag liter, with only one bag per passenger.
Overall, an estimated 400,000 passengers were affected by the warning. It is estimated that the first day of flight cost delay is more than Ã, Â £ 175 million. A total of 20,000 bags are believed to be misplaced in Heathrow.
Flight cancellation
All international flights to London Heathrow Airport are canceled on the day of arrest unless they are already on their way. Several flights to and from London Gatwick Airport were also suspended. Later that night, several flights were resumed, shorter flights resumed around 6pm. However, passengers aboard were told that they could only carry boarding passes and passports. All other items should be checked with the rest of their belongings.
A few hours after the start of the confusion, the plane began flying out of London Heathrow, albeit in diminishing numbers. The situation remains chaotic with the long queues of passengers waiting to check in and bypassing strengthened security procedures. Several aircraft were reported leaving Heathrow with only transit passengers in it.
On Sunday 13 August, 30% of flights from Heathrow were canceled to ease pressure on editors. Until August 15 flight cancellation has fallen to 47 flights at Heathrow, and 8 Ryanair flights from Stansted. It was reported by BA that 10,000 items of baggage belonging to their passengers have been lost. It is anticipated that the cancellation will be reduced on August 16, with 90% of flights expected to depart on schedule.
Controversy over warning
On 12 August a public argument broke out between BAA, Heathrow operators and other airports, and British Airways, with Willie Walsh, BA's Chief Executive, accused BAA of not being able to cope with increased security and baggage checks. Ryanair also asked the British government to use the police and military reserves to expedite the search for the entire body that is now mandated.
Three days later on 12 August 2006 the owner and operator of London Heathrow, BAA ordered airlines use the airport to make a 30 percent reduction in the departing flight of passengers (something BA has had to do a lot of passengers miss the flight because extra time is needed for clear security) to help reduce delays and cancellations.
On August 18, Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary conveyed an ultimatum to the British government demanding the resumption of normal hand baggage dimensions and one passenger's direct screening in four instead of one in two in a week, otherwise Ryanair would sue the Government for compensation under section 93 of the Transport Act 2000. The Government responds that such action was taken under the Flight Safety Act 1982, and there is no compensation to be paid.
Some pilots complained about the "silly" baggage restrictions that "dumb" thought. Carolyn Evans, head of aviation safety at the British Airline Pilots Association, said that "the procedures imposed are not sustainable in the long run, and unless passengers are treated more naturally, we will not have the industry left."
The British government was criticized for scare mongering as a result of its response to warnings and to use it to push for unpopular reforms.
Economic effects
The Times commented on the day after the arrest, that the economic effects are small. He observes that the real commercial risk is that "people can stop traveling... because they are tired of obeying the necessary precautions."
British Airways canceled 1280 flights, with an estimated cost of Ã,  £ 40 million. Ryanair had to cancel 500 flights with an estimated cost of £ 3.3 million. EasyJet had to cancel 469 flights, costing around Ã,  £ 4 million. BAA said the warning cost £ 13 million. In November 2006, BA also claimed an increase in security measures since August had cost  £ 100 million.
Air passengers also switched to other means of travel, including ferries operating from Dover to Calais, and Eurostar.
On August 13, 2006, Michael O'Leary, Ryanair's chief executive, claimed that the chaos at the airport meant that the terrorists had achieved their goals.
Exam and verdict
After the August 2006 arrest, The New York Times blocked IP addresses in the UK from accessing a story titled "Detail Emerge in British Terror Case." This arose as a result of the requirement in English law that the bias information about the defendant should not be published before the trial. Using software technology designed for targeted advertising, The New York Times can comply with UK strict laws.
In 2008, eight people (Ahmed Abdullah Ali, Assad Sarwar, Tanvir Hussain, Ibrahim Savant, Arafat Khan, Waheed Zaman, Umar Islam, Mohammed Gulzar) were tried in connection with the plot. The trial began in April 2008, with an exhibition of what was described as a 'suicide video' created by Ali, Hussain, Savant, Khan, Epoch, and Islam. and allegations that the suspects had purchased chemicals. Intercepted emails and phone calls are not allowed as evidence in the first trial.
In their defense, seven men, six of whom have recorded videos denouncing Western foreign policy, say they are only planning to cause political spectacle and not kill anyone. Ali told the court that he intended to make a political statement by releasing a small device at Heathrow and frighten people, and the plot did not involve aircraft attacks. All defendants, except Gulzar, claimed to plan to cause public disturbance. Ali, Sarwar and Hussein also plead guilty to conspiracy to cause an explosion.
On November 8, 2008 after more than 50 hours of consideration, the jury found no defendants guilty of conspiring with an airplane. The jury found Ali, Sarwar and Hussein guilty of conspiracy to murder charges but could not reach a verdict on allegations relating to plans to blow up the plane.
Mohammad Gulzar is freed on all matters.
On September 7, 2009, a second jury at Woolwich Crown Court found Ali, Sarwar and Hussain guilty of "conspiracy to murder involving a liquid bomb" and that the conspiracy target was a plane passenger. The plot said in court was found by MI5 using a secret hearing device in a flat in east London. The jury can not reach a verdict on charges against Savant, Khan, Zaman or Islam. But Islam is punished for allegations separate from the conspiracy for murder.
Ali, described as a 'ringleader', was sentenced to at least 40 years in prison, Sarwar was sentenced to at least 36 years, while Hussain was jailed for at least 32 years. Islam, convicted of more general 'conspiracy to murder' charges, was sentenced to at least 22 years in prison.
At the same Woolwich 2009 trial, Donald Stewart-Whyte, who was not charged in the 2008 trial, pleaded guilty to gun possession, but was cleared of all violations of terrorism.
At the third trial in July 2010 at Woolwich Crown Court, Savant, Khan, and Zaman were found guilty and sentenced to life in prison on charges of lower conspiracy to murder. They were all sentenced to at least 20 years in prison before being eligible for release.
August 10
August 11
August 12
August 13
August 14
August 15
August 16
August 17
August 18
August 19
End of August
August 20
August 21
August 22
August 25
August 26
August 30
September 4
September 7
September 14
October 10
November 1
See also
- List of terrorist incidents in the United Kingdom
- List of terrorist incidents, 2006
External links
- UK press
- 'Flight plan of terror' is disrupted (BBC News)
- Mass killing in the sky: is the plot worth it? (The Register)
- International press
- The British police thwarted the alleged terrorist plot (USA Today)
- 24 questioned after the prevention of terror plots (RTÃÆ' â € ° News and Current Affairs)
- The UK said it foiled the plot of the mass murder plane bomb (Reuters)
Source of the article : Wikipedia