Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018

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Over the past few decades, pet ownership in Japan has gradually shifted from a largely utilitarian function to a concept that more fully incorporates pets into the family system. In most cases, pets are now considered family members. For many Japanese, pets are well-liked by children, and can even serve as a substitute for those who choose not to raise a child.

Video Pet ownership in Japan

Spiritual hierarchy

In the context of a spiritual hierarchy, pets occupy space directly under humans, but above all animals and other life forms. This position is not clearly defined, leaving many aspects of pet ownership open to interpretation, including the practice of pet care and care, and how to properly care for them after death. This position in the family is presented through various forms in the stream of contemporary daily life, spiritual expressions, memorials, and Japanese pet burial ceremonies.

Maps Pet ownership in Japan

Boom Pet

Pets have increased in number throughout Japan. Providing a convenient way to friendship without having the demands that a child will, pets are a popular alternative for people who do not have the time it takes to raise a baby. Although not definitive, studies show a trend that suggests that adopting pets into families as a substitute for children has become increasingly common. Currently, "the estimate puts the number of pets above the number of children under the age of fifteen."

The Japanese "pet boom" can be traced back to 2003 where it is estimated that the combined number of dogs and cats in Japan has exceeded the number of children. Estimates of the number of pets and children under 16 in Japan are 19.2 and 17.9 million respectively in 2003, and 23.2 million to 17 million in 2009.

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Pets in everyday life

Despite the dense Japanese environment making the country less pet friendly, the Japanese have found a way to incorporate their pets into their daily lives. One method is to choose a small dog breed as their friend. Some common dog races for Japanese families are chihuahua, miniature dachshund, and toy poodle. The most common reasons for choosing small dogs are lack of space, and easier cleaning.

Although a small dog is preferred, one of the most popular dog breeds in Japan is Shiba Inu, which can grow up to two feet and weigh up to 25 pounds. Some Japanese prefer Shiba Inu because they are family-friendly and have a lifespan of up to 15 years, making Shiba Inu a long-time companion. The Japanese also have a larger offspring than Japanese, Akita, popularized by the story of Hachik ?.

Due to the declining birth rate and aging population in Japan, there is an increase in the number of Japanese households with pets and no children. Because some families do not have children, they instead spoil and pamper their pets as they would do their own children. Businesses in Japan such as cat cafes, dog spas and restaurants that allow pets to sit at tables and eat with other family members have grown rapidly since 2004. Some pets in Japan even have the luxury of being filled with their own pet closets with clothes expensive couture from Chanel to Gucci designed specifically for pets.

Pets in Japan are not just for friendship. Dog therapy plays a big role in helping disabled hospital patients, comfortable, and as a friend for parents. Several organizations in Japan, such as the International Dog Dog Therapy Association based in Tokyo, train uninvolved dogs into therapy dogs and send them to various nursing homes and hospitals throughout Japan. One such dog is the basis for the 2004 film Walking With Dogs: Chirori and Tamaru, where the main character, Chirori, instead of being put to sleep, was discovered by a Japanese singer and trained to help the elderly. The story of Chirori is very inspiring, now there is a statue in his honor.

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Shinto Religion

According to Japanese folklore, there is a dark side of pet spirituality in Shinto, known as Inugami, which is literally translated into a dog god. Inugami is a dark dangerous spirit that is conjured up through a dark ritual involving the sacrifice of common pet dogs. In a similar way to shikigami, this ritual allows the dog's tormented spirit to be under the control of whoever calls it. The Inugami can then be used by the owner to bid and curse others or even possess it and bring misfortune. This type of spirit idea can be attributed to the fact that pets in Japanese culture are traditionally kept for utilitarian purposes that are contrary to friendship.

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Warning and posthumous care

Traditional Japanese folk religion and Buddhism have significantly influenced the death ceremonies of pets, and their warnings thereafter. To some extent, Western culture and Christianity have also been influential. However, the aspects of the procedure vary throughout Japan and rely heavily on the beliefs, traditions, and circumstances of each family.

Traditionally, pets are not often regarded as family members. Although there are several examples of pets that were immortalized and named posthumously during the mid-nineteenth century, there are some notes of such attempts and those that have been attributed to the elite samurai class. During this time, most dogs and cats are considered as citizens and do not inhabit a single house. After the death of community animals, folk traditions require special care to be taken from the remains of deceased animals, to protect the whole village from vengeful spirits. The concept of a vengeful spirits comes from the belief that "small animals such as cats and dogs are believed to travel freely between here-and-now and the hereafter, and have the power to wreak a spiritual revenge (tatari) in people". To ensure that the living person will not be harmed, and in some cases to gain luck or protection from animal spirits, special procedures are needed, such as burial in certain important locations or the inclusion of certain items in the animal tomb.. If the correct process is followed, the village can feel at ease that they will not be disturbed by the deceased's spirit.

Buddhist practice, especially ancestral warnings, has directly influenced the death ceremonies and rituals performed for pets in Japan. However, "there is no special scripture for animals, let alone pets" in Buddhist teachings. Thus, memorialization of pets is left open for diverse interpretations. A central disagreement among the spiritualists revolves around the Buddha's rebirth cycle. Some people claim that it is possible, through proper care during life and a true warning after death, for the beloved beloved animal to finally be reborn as a fellow human being, thus making enlightenment achievable. Others feel that pets can only be reborn as pets. Often, Buddhist scholars tend to allow families to decide for themselves what process they want to follow. Because different temples interpret the rite in different ways, they often combine elements or completely partial.

Over the last few decades, pet burial has increased in popularity, especially in densely populated urban areas. In rural areas, many pets are buried directly on the ground "in the hills outside the village, creating harmony between the decay of the pet's body and the waning of memories and sadness". In urban, metropolitan areas, pet owners generally choose cremation for their missing friends. They can then choose to associate it in individual or communal cemeteries, or display the remains in a columbarium. Sometimes, animal owners ask to be buried with their dead pets, and some choose to perform rituals as will be done for humans. However, most "actual practices reinforce boundaries that place pets in a marginal position and describe their liminal status in human society". In contrast to traditional folk beliefs, the majority of pet owners no longer believe that the spirits of their dead pets will cause them harm as a result of their memorialization choices. In addition, rituals and rituals serve as a means of reducing the sadness and loss of the living. As a result, "the meaning of animal cemeteries in Japan has shifted from prayer to animal souls to the way of expressing grief by pet owners". Dead pets are now more often remembered as family members, and are often perpetuated on the family altar and become part of the family's ancestors.

In contemporary society, elements of Western and Christian thought have also been intertwined into dead pet cemetery practices. One example of this influence is found in the picture "The Rainbow Bridge", a concept very similar to the ideals of a Western paradise. The Rainbow Bridge is described as a utopian space where the deceased pet's spirits remain until the death of the owner, when the two spirits are traveling together into the heavenly realms. This concept further emphasizes the growing family relationships between pets and their owners in contemporary Japan.

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
