Senin, 11 Juni 2018

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Kuchi (Afghan Shepherd) Dog Info, Temperament, Puppies, Pictures

Dog Kuchi or Afghan Shepherd is an Afghan livestock watch dog, taking its name from Kuchi people in Afghanistan. This is a working dog that follows nomads, protecting caravans and flocks of sheep, goats, camels and other cattle from wolves, big cats and thieves. Sometimes known only as a local variant of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog and its status as a distinct breed is debated.

Sage Kuchi or Sage Jangi is the default Persian name, and Pashto's name is De Kochyano Spai or Jangi Spai , which means "Nomad Dog" and "Combat Dog". It is found around the central and northern parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan and the surrounding areas of Central Asia. These mountain dogs share the same genetic background with Central Asia Ovtcharka (CAO).

Since the dog is strongly associated with nomadic life in remote and rough areas where Western breeding techniques are not used, it is difficult to identify the "true" Kuchi dog species. The wars and general unrest in the region have also affected the Kuchi people, many of whom settled around towns that created many opportunities for Kuchi to interbreed with other dogs. There is no organizing body for dogs in Afghanistan and some Kuchi dogs have been exported to Europe.

Video Kuchi dog


Kuchi dog breed has a very rich gen pool, and dogs adapt well to various environments. It also means that gene expression can vary greatly from person to person. Therefore, it is often difficult for an unaccustomed observer to determine what makes a particular dog a true Kuchi dog, or what kind of dog Kuchi is.

In general, the Kuchi dog is a large dog, often a giant dog, with a coat that can be short, medium, or long, supported by a thick underwool. They vary greatly, reaching 27-32 inches (69 to 81 cm) in the withers for women, and 28-35 inches (71-89 cm) and more for men. Their weight ranges from about 84 to 120 pounds (38-54 kg) for female dogs, and from 88 to 176 pounds (40 to 80 kg) and more for male dogs. It seems likely that the so-called "dog Ghor" should be included among these "Kuchi dogs":

"The Ghor dogs are mentioned in the earliest descriptions of the province and are always regarded as special mastiff.According to the chronicle of the eleventh century Seljuk there are: ' The excellent dog species in Ghor are so strong that within the frame and strength of each of them is match for the lion. "King Turquoise Mountain has two Ghor dogs, one named after him and another after Ghazni's ruler He will make them battle It is very dangerous to be near him on days when his name is lost, this dog forms part of the respect of the Ghorids to the Seljuks and becomes part of the proverb of such Islamic culture, a medieval scholar noted saying that 'Avicenna can not fight with dogs of Ghor'.

Waking them up like molossers with lighter and heavier variants, all showing perfect scissor bites, and the majority of them are free of most genetic defects such as hip dysplasia.

The shape of a Kuchi dog's head can vary from a wedge-type head, to a brick type, or a bear-type skull, the latter attributed primarily to the dogs of the mountains. Their tail is usually docked about a third of its length, and usually leads straight up or slightly tilted. Traditionally, their ears are cut, almost to the base.

The Kuchi dog is a tall dog, with a straight back line, which usually forms a square profile with the front and rear legs. The neck is usually long and thick, with a lot of excess skin hanging from the base of the jaw to the chest. The head is carried horizontally, or slightly downward, with eyes staring straight ahead. Its muzzle is dry and muscular.

Their bodies are often covered with dark spots not visible through the mantle. These spots can also cover the inside of the mouth, bridge of the nose and stomach. The color of the coat comes in many varieties, and it is not important to determine the type or type of Kuchi dog. Nor is the length or structure of hair. Most often, longer strips, more clay hair covering the entire length of the back line, while the neck area is packed with a thick and slick underwool, and hair that is slightly longer than above the whole body.

The size of the teeth ranges from small in some females, to very large in males, with fangs often exceeding 1¼¼. The canine forms a hook with a thicker base and a point that is directed to the inside of the mouth, or it can be more straight and tusk-like, like a wolf.

There are three main types of recognized areas, including one of two types of dog bodies - the type of lion and the type of tiger. They are determined depending on the build and motor characteristics.

Maps Kuchi dog

Sub-variants and types

Kuchi dogs can be roughly divided into three types: Mountain type, Steppe type, and Desert-type.

  • Dog mountain type forms a very large, heavily seeded variety that is perfect for living in the mountains of Pamir. They are usually found at higher altitudes, where there is greater moisture and more extreme, cold temperatures.
  • Dogs stepa-type are much lighter, with medium to long hair. They are faster and more agile in large flats than in mountains. They can be characterized as having a mastiff-like built in combination with sighthound appearance.
  • desert dogs represent the most common variants found in the vast lowland desert, with less vegetation and warmer climates. They have medium height, with short to medium coats supported by a very thick underwool during the winter. They can have characteristics of both other types, especially when it comes to the head structure.

Another way to classify Kuchi dogs can match the lion type ( Djence Sheri ), or the tiger-type ( Djence Palangi ). This division mainly applies to desert type dogs, but it is important to remember that each regional variant can display characteristics found in other types as well.

  • Dog lion-type is heavier, with bigger head and deeper chest. Their coats are usually thicker, and they have medium height with larger bear-type heads.
  • The tiger dog is more athletic, with a long, deep, brick or wedge-shaped head, and a shorter mantle. They are more often associated with Steppe type dogs.

The difference between the two can also be seen from the way they move. Singa-type dogs are more majestic in movement, they seem very proud thanks to keeping their heads elevated as they walk.

The type of tiger dog shows more sideways movements, such as cats, with heads usually at body level, and front paws swinging inward when walking, running, or jumping. Both types are very agile and have incredible speed and ductility when running or attacking.

Koochee.flv.flv - YouTube


Throughout history, Kuchi people need their dogs to be very vigilant in keeping cattle and their belongings. They trust their dogs to keep their camps and caravans on their seasonal journey. They also need their dogs to be very resilient, not only in the face of danger, but also to challenge the rough environmental conditions that require extraordinary ability to adapt.

The Kuchis roam from the mountains, through the desert, in freezing cold, and in the burning heat, through a land that, for days, offers no shelter, or food, or even water. They need dogs that will survive in all kinds of extreme conditions, and can still do their job without blocking the progress of the caravan. They often do not have the free time or energy left to feed and care for their dogs. They can not wait if they get sick, or keep checking to make sure they do not fall or run.

The Kuchis need a dog that will be ferocious and has unparalleled stamina, courage and strength, but at the same time be very intelligent, trustworthy and independent. They need dogs that can function without guidance or special training.

The resulting breed can be described as representing a dog with a strong character, a strong sense of pride, a keen sense of ownership, social status, and territory, showing remarkable persistence and persistence, and possessing unparalleled strength and agility, all of which enable them to maintain everything. it is part of their grass and the package is extended against all the predators and intruders.

They can also be very friendly and affectionate, and tend to form deep emotional ties with their 'package members'. However, their independent minds also make them incompatible with Western lifestyles. They are vulnerable to aggression against most other dogs, and often humans, who penetrate their territory (this includes postal workers, utility repairmen, emergency personnel, and even friends and family they have never known before), and their territory may expand beyond the ordinary house and backyard.

This breed is also very vocal in expressing their emotions. Kuchi dogs often growl to show pleasure or displeasure, which can be misinterpreted by many people, especially children, as a sign of aggression - and lead to unwanted and potentially dangerous reactions on their part. This does not mean that Kuchi's breed is entirely insurmountable. But that means that, to safeguard and keep Kuchi dogs and their owners in good health and spirit, these dogs demand the special attention of their owners, who must be experts on this particular type, and on the behavior of animals in general.

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Breed history

The geographical location favored the development of various Kuchi dog species. For example, in mountainous areas, heavier and bigger boned dogs are preferred, while in desert environments - lighter and more agile buildings are more desirable. Natural selection occurs because of environmental conditions, as well as human preferences. Over the centuries, the 'settled' descendants will become associated with the region, and some have even received the name and status of the international kennel breed. Turkish Kangal Dogs, Caucasian Ovtcharka in the Caucasus region, and many other breeds, such as the large European shepherd breeds, all belong to this group of dogs.

The Central Asia Ovtcharka or "CAO" is a variant made by Russian breeders who want to classify a varied group of Central Asian dogs into a 'breed standard' that will allow dogs to be assessed when assessed in competition on popular dog shows. This variant often appears as a larger, heavier, more uniform type; both in color (often white), coat texture (less variation) and body type. There are significant types of differences from the original Kuchi dog to Srednoaziatska Ovcharka who won the event.

Kuchi dogs do not change their basic phenotype over the same time period; often appear to vary in color, head type, body mass and mantle type. The Kuchi dog must work with the owner, fulfilling his duties. Otherwise, they may act frustrated and lack a sense of purpose in ways unacceptable to their owners and other communities. They are still a very primitive race; The Kuchi dog has a natural guarding instinct that is not for the event ring as a pure line of work.

Afghan Kuchi / Koochie Dog - YouTube

See also

  • Kuchi people
  • Afghan Hound



Source of the article : Wikipedia
