Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

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Home - Sourcing

Homesourcing also known as homeshoring is "the transfer of service industry employment from offices to home-based employees with appropriate telephone and Internet facilities". Homesourcing is best thought of as a combination of outsourcing and telecommuting.

Homesourcing refers to hiring employees and / or engaging independent contractors. Homesourced workers are trained through "systems / processes / methods" online and/or sometimes required to come to an office for training from time-to-time.

As it progresses the Information technology (IT) the methods for homesourcing, tend to develop new forms of Operating leverage.

Traditionally, employers were most likely to homeshore call-centers and other customer service processes. However, this trend is changing as employers realize a wider variety of work is amenable to homeshoring. Knight Ridder Newspapers reports "it's no longer just call centers and information-technology jobs. Now it's architects, accountants, tax preparers and financial analysts."

According to researcher IDC, homesourcing is expanding by about 20% a year and homesourcing is "on track to explode".

Video Homesourcing

Companies using homesourcing

US, UK and European companies which have employed homesourcing personnel include:

Maps Homesourcing


  • Worker preference - homesourced workers often need or prefer to work from home. They usually appreciate the opportunity.
  • Reduced costs for the employer as homesourced workers often provide their own telephone equipment and computer systems. Employer also saves on cost of office space.
  • Using homesourced workers that are local to the area where they are calling precludes the prejudice that is sometimes created from regional accents, mannerisms and rates of speech.
  • Possible tax advantages for the worker using part of their home for business purposes.
  • It provides the employer the ability to provide work to individuals who through disability are unable to travel to a workplace.

Teknologirådet ― Commando Group

In popular culture

  • An early example of homesourcing in fiction can be found in the 1939 Heinlein book For Us, The Living. The character of Diana, a nationally renowned dancer, is shown performing in her own home for a broadcast audience, which sees her dancing on sets added by the broadcasting company to her original feed. The mechanism for this homesourcing is not described technically, but it appears to be similar to a high-definition video signal interfaced with something like modern chroma key technology.

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See also

  • Human Capital
  • Information technology consulting
  • Offshoring IT Services
  • Outsourcing
  • The World Is Flat

Teknologirådet ― Commando Group


Where The Jobs Are: Home Call-Center Workers

Further reading

  • Thomas L. Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. 2005 ISBN 0-374-29288-4

Teknologirådet ― Commando Group

External links

  • Lacy, Sarah (May 2, 2006). "Homeshoring: Beyond Call Centers Silicon Valley startup oDesk helps companies find -- and monitor -- at-home labor for a growing roster of jobs". Business Week. Archived from the original on May 3, 2006. 
  • "Working at home pays off for firms". 
  • Mello Jr., John P. "Home-Sourcing vs. Offshoring It's not all about price; allowing people to work at home leads to a virtuous cycle of productivity". 

Source of the article : Wikipedia
